We have got
reports against 2022147124
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2022147124

The DNCR is not meant to be a call blocker. Besides the numbers that appear on caller id are often spoofed. So what happens if they are displaying a number that belongs to an innocent third party that has nothing to do with the operation in question.
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Called twice on 10/11. Answered second time. I was given a 7K grant. Told him I knew it was a scam and to stop f------ calling me! DNC list, ha ha.
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yeah, they called my sister and said "is howard there?" and my sis said no one is here by that name.  Then they asked what her name was and of course she didn't tell them and they said "they would keep calling til she gave her name." and they have been doing just that.
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Correct.  Same thing happened to me. Almost to the T.  But now they are asking for you to load a green dot money pak and give them the info
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Invest in a call blocker and do not pick up on call numbers you do not recognize.
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(202) 214-7124  +1 202-214-7124  2022147124  +12022147124