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reports against 2062380119
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2062380119

If you have registered a domain name, but have not signed up for "privacy protection", your name / phone / address are available for anybody to find with a simple search.

There are also other ways your info can be found:

If you ever posted your phone number on a social site, or used it when ordering online, or typed it in an insecure computer, or gave it to a friend whose computer was attacked, or filled out an entry form at a fair or a supermarket, or used it on a contest entry form, or put it on a postcard for a magazine or purchase, or were among those whose information was hacked from some organization, or obtained a "new" phone number ... your number is probably known to the scammers.

Allow me to present another possibility in a very simple fashion ... not to insult your intelligence, but to attempt to get the idea across to even those who have difficulty understanding more complicated answers.  Click on the "Info" line, below, to learn about that possibility.

Info Robodialers for Dummies Can you count?
If you answered "yes", that is a good start.  Try counting from 1 to 10 now.  I will wait.
Finished?  Good.
I want you to think "0" instead of "10".  Got it?
Now, get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, and write down those ten numbers.  Here, I will help you, in case your forgot:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Now get ready to write down some more numbers.  I want you to write them down in the following format:
Yes, I know those are letters, but I want you to use numbers, instead.
Think of a number between 0 and 9 ... pick one from the list I gave above, if you wish.
Write it down, instead of the "A", above
Do that nine more times, writing it down instead of the other letters.
Now, look at the result.
Does it ring a bell?
It should, because you just wrote down a phone number!

Mr Computer is very good at making numbers.
Mr Computer can do what you just did in a fraction of a second.
In other words, Mr Computer can make and dial phone numbers VERY quickly.

Spammers and scammers who know about Mr Computer do not need to register and buy the DNC list.
Spammers and scammers who know about Mr Computer can even dial "unlisted" numbers, or "private numbers" or "brand-new numbers you just got"!
The DNC list is not a magic switch that blocks these calls from reaching your phone.  It is merely a list.  It is NOT a call blocker!
There, now you know all about how spammers can dial YOUR phone number, even if it is unlisted, and even if only relatives know it, and even if it is on or off the DNC list.

I hope that helps prove the DNC list DOES work!  It helps prevent calls from registered / legitimate telemarketers, but it is not able to stop calls from telespammers.  It is also NOT designed to stop political callers (who usually get the numbers from voter registration lists), calls from charities, or some other companies, such as debt collectors; or some companies with which you have done business in the last 18 months.


Please reply to this post, to let us know you read it, or have taken suitable actions to protect yourself.

Latest comments
The IRS Never ever makes phone calls. So if you get a call claiming to be the IRS you know its a lie. The IRS will only send mail in a series of letters. They never send just one letter either. Ive had IRS problems and know how they work. Again they never call you. Tell these fools on the phone you are hanging up and calling the IRS main number. Ask them for their agent ID a real IRS agent has to give you that.Then then ask for a phone number tell them you are calling main IRS number and you will ask for them and verify their ID there. Agin the real IRS states right on their website they never make calls
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Received many calls - all recorded telling me I was being sued.  I picked up the last call to tell them to quit calling me and this guy answered and was quite combative when I told him I would call the Attorney General if he didn't take my number off the list.
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Audrey Shaw
from person identifying themselves as IRS
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I too have had many fraud calls from Seattle, Washington,  They threatened me with 90,000 to 100,000 dollars fine if I go to court.  They try to say that I was a criminal running from law, Scare tactics. The first guy I talked to said that my account would be frozen in 15 min after hanging up it is  know been in 30 min. And I set my alarm waiting for the sheriff to bring me a warrant at 6:51 .  As I said please be careful especially older people they are variable,  if you have older parents please warn them , don't let them become a victim.
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(206) 238-0119  +1 206-238-0119  2062380119  +12062380119