We have got
reports against 2062544929
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2062544929

Hang up calls.  No msg.
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Seattle WA
Called at 6:31pm (typical time for telemarketers). I didn't answer, they didn't leave a message.
Thought I'd post here in case it's a new scammer.
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Redmond WA
Called at 716pm. Didn't answer either and they didn't leave a message. Thought I would report it also
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Got the same call thought I would report it also.

Right before It I got a call on my cell phone about an amber alert.  Did not answer it either.

No one is supposed to have either of my phone numbers!  

Have all phones blocked and do not call also.  Have been getting numerous calls from agency who want to sell my time share and false local call number on if I am going to vote in November.

Numerous calls with fake caller I'd numbers!
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wall E
I got the same calling number and as always they didn't let it ring past the fourth ring.
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(206) 254-4929  +1 206-254-4929  2062544929  +12062544929