We have got
reports against 2063395905
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2063395905

This is the message they send out BY E-MAIL,  received from  a name which may not exist supposedly - (james kally <[email protected]>) trying to find out personal information on the alleged reason that they have received a package they wish to deliver , upon  telling them key information about recipient...This is a scam.

The message received is as follows:

"Compliment of the Season,happy Easter.

This is to inform you that a package addressed to you, was deposited in our Courier office on the 30th march, 2011.You are hereby advised to send your information for verification to the office to deliver your package before the package is due for demurrage fees."

Mr. James kally.
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I got the same email.  Ridiculous.  I can't imagine anyone who would fall for this... or at least I HOPE they don't.
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(206) 339-5905  +1 206-339-5905  2063395905  +12063395905