We have got
reports against 2101983357
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2101983357

Stephen of Orlando
Friday morning. 10:15a. "Name Unavailable" calls. No-name is a dead giveaway; neither wife nor I answer. It would seem DoNotCall works, but only with legit businesses. Scammers - and they are LEGION - are not deterred. The FCC, the FTC and the Justice Department need to set up a task force to track them down, fine them heavily, and send them to prison - in an ONGOING basis. (No need to ask NSA, they seek only the law-abiding, scammers are - in the words of that TV show Person Of Interest - "irrelevant".) Besides scammers only do harm IF you are stupid enough to give them any personal info. Okay, enough soapbox for today.
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the caller from 210-198-3357 said the call was for a Veronica about having been given birth control pills. When I asked him for the name of the company calling he said "Medical Compensation Department"  I responded,  no one by that name resides at the phone number you're calling, he dropped the call.
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Asking for personal information and offering "free long distance calling cards".
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they already said they are on the do not call list and the number is bogus so that is no help
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You do understand that the Do Not Call registry is not foolproof, don't you? If not, then you are the idiot for assuming that it is a one-shot solve all. And as we all know, when you assume, you make an "[***]" out of "U" and "ME"!!!
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(210) 198-3357  +1 210-198-3357  2101983357  +12101983357