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reports against 2108587469
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Who called from 2108587469

Received an unsolicited fax for affordable health insurance. No fax # to show who sent it and 877-254-5502 to request removal from their list. I made that request. We received another identical fax that same day. I called the local # on their fax = 210-858-7469. She answered "Insurance Services." When I asked about requesting to be taken off of their list and for their fax number, she said " Good luck. If you don't have it, I'm not giving it to you." What kind of company would want an employee like that?
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junkfaxers must die
You called the removal number, seriously? Do you click the opt-out links on email spam too?

This is not a "company" it's a bunch of crooks, the fax itself is illegal.  The so-called removal number is exactly the opposite it is an additional confirmation that the fax got through. You will only get MORE junk faxes now. Do you think that illegal junk faxers are going to take you off their list -- why are you on it in the first place?

You can file a complaint at the fcc.  Many people who receive this junk also program our fax machines to fax it back to the VOICE number with a lot of re-tries. These stupid crooks answer the phone over and over and it's a fax machine in their damn ears. It reduces the profit from the scam and ties up their phones, and it's automated from your end.
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Do you work for one of these crooks?
I thought 800Notes was to help inform people. I have reported 4 other companies like this health insurance fraud to the FCC in the past year. I haven't seen any progress yet. Why are you so rude and condescending?
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(210) 858-7469  +1 210-858-7469  2108587469  +12108587469