We have got
reports against 2109578858
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2109578858

debra  boone
jennifer   boone
calling  me   threatening  me      same as the  other stories  what  do i do
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I have received NUMEROUS calls at my work and cell from #2165043660 with someone identifying theirself as Jennifer Ellis and threatening me with litigation if I do not take care of some debt?  I have no oustanding debt and have no clue as to what this call is regarding.  I am certain this is a scam.  Any further info. would be appreciated.
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Add phone number 216-504-3693 to the scam with the same name Jennifer Ellis
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I received a call from 310-742-3021 from an Investigator Amanda Williams and stating that she has been trying to contact me since January. I have not received a call from this number before yesterday afternoon. She said that I had a payday loan outstanding from 2008. I do recall a payday loan but that is beside the point.She said that as of 12pm today they will be transferring the information to my local police dept to locate me, prosecute me, and to take me to jail since I can not pay the $675 today-right now. She said if you are a single mother then you better find someone to watch your children while I am in jail. Also, she stated that I will have to pay $2500 to get out of jail. She ended the call with advisement to make sure someone is watching my children while I am in jail and to act accordingly, and good luck and then she hung up on me. What is this? I know that my mom has payday loans that she has not paid back from years ago and she doesnt get harrassing phone calls. Is this a harrassment scam or legit?
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Nicole Sparks Just called me!!!!! SO FREAKING SCARY!!!!! BUT A TOTAL SCAM! I READ ALL THESE POST AND IT'S ALL THE SAME CRAP SHE TOLD ME! THANK GO TO MY BROTHER TELLING ME IT'S a scam bc he had the same [***] happen to him 2months ago and even hired an attorny! Such [***]!
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(210) 957-8858  +1 210-957-8858  2109578858  +12109578858