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reports against 3057125514
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Who called from 3057125514

This person called claiming that I signed up our business' website for google search optimization in Feb of 2013 and she has an invoice.  I said I never signed up for that and she said I did and has proof.  I asked how much the invoice is and she said $474.  Again, I said I never signed up for anything like that and then said show me the proof.  She then hung up on me.  What a scam!  Why can't these people figure out how to make an honest living and leave the rest of us alone!
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I got the same message.  I have never signed up for google search optimization.  This is definitely a scam.
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The woman just hung up on me too. Said I signed up last March, no mam i did not, yes you did, no mam i don't even know of your company, I have your authorization, no mam you do not,  CLICK.
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Same here too.  "You signed up last year March". "No I did not; I terminated that company years ago". Click, she hung up.  Bunch of scammers!
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They did that to us too.  Same exact thing, amounts, everything.
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(305) 712-5514  +1 305-712-5514  3057125514  +13057125514