We have got
reports against 3302491884
The majority indicated that it is a Debt collector

Who called from 3302491884

Might be this outfit:


RG Financial
P.O. Box 259
Norcross, GA 30091

http://www.bbb.org/atlanta/business-reviews/c ... oss-ga-27587593

This Business is not BBB Accredited
R G Finanicial

(888) 679-4309
PO Box 259, Norcross, GA 30091-0259

BBB® Non-Accredited F Rating

2 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 2 closed in last 12 months
Complaint Type    Total Closed Complaints
Billing / Collection Issues    2
Advertising / Sales Issues    0
Problems with Product / Service    0
Delivery Issues    0
Guarantee / Warranty Issues    0
Total Closed Complaints     2

Additional Information

The BBB develops a report on a firm based on inquiry or complaint activity. The BBB has not received a sufficient volume of requests for information, nor has the BBB received any complaints on this firm to warrant the development of a report. The information provided, however limited, is presented to assist you in your purchasing decisions or for any other purpose you deem relevant.

The BBB suggests you read and understand company promotional materials and contracts and check company references and licensing, where applicable.
BBB file opened: 02/27/2015
Business Category

Collection Agencies

To File complaints FDCPA/TCPA violations:
Your State Attorney General
Their State Attorney general
www.naag.org (you can find your state AG at this link).
Also with the BBB and follow completely through with it.
Seek a FDCPA/TCPA Attorney if need be.
***A company must be licensed in their state as well as the one they are trying to collect in if two different states are involved.

Some Tips:
*Keep all messages
*Take a picture of your Caller ID
*Keep any and all conversations recorded to your states recording laws, some require they be told, others do not. This can be transferred to a recording device.
*Keep a notebook handy for writing time,date, who you spoke with and what the conversation detailed.
*Check your SOL for your state as well.
*Attorneys need to be licensed as a DC to collect, all DC's must be licensed in their state as well as yours if different.
http://www.insideedition.com/investigative/93 ... debt-collectors

http://800notes.com/arts/Jb8EW-eDhQA/harassin ... ou-need-to-know
See Residents post here also:
Templates of Letters:

http://www.consumerfinance.gov/askcfpb/search ...
Latest comments
(330) 249-1884  +1 330-249-1884  3302491884  +13302491884