We have got
reports against 3307238844
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 3307238844

Getting calls from this number every 2 or 3 hours.  Belongs, or used to belong, to a bar called Dirty Cowboys in Medina, Ohio.  The call results in a hang-up.  Calling back has resulted in a message that says the number has been disconnected.  A call is coming in now, in fact.......
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nothing you can do. I get the same calls every few hours, its from this number and another. They use skype to scramble their number. All I can think of to do is play along with them, get as far down the system as you can. You have to pretend you're interested in there offer. The offer me debt relief services. once you get far enough and they think you're a real customer, you can say " i'm really busy now, can I get your information and call you back when I get out of this meeting"? then try and get an email, and phone number, and his name. Or if he offers to call back, say yes and hope he doesn't scramble the number.
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Etta Bredeson
Getting calls from this number every 2 or 3 hours.  Belongs, or used to belong, to a bar called Dirty Cowboys in Medina, Ohio.  The call results in a hang-up.  Calling back has resulted in a message that says the number has been disconnected.  So I called the Operator and they tell me that the call is coming from Medina, Ohio and that it is an outgoing line only. To report it to my phone company so  did and they told me to use call blocker so that is what I am doing and that they will take it from there. the phone that calls is 330-72-8844
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(330) 723-8844  +1 330-723-8844  3307238844  +13307238844