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reports against 3475022551
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Who called from 3475022551

Got it too. . . it seems to be the same as 973-273-7859 I've been getting a lot of these lately.  when you call back it says press 1 to be removed from out list.  I just hang up because I know it will just keep calling.

I wish I could get a hold of the person behind the calls.  it gets really annoying.
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Kill this Idiot
"POWER BILL" was the scammer's ID.
But as soon as my phone machine picked up, this turd-faced boiler-room scumbag's robo-call hung up.
347-502-2551 - wish the robo machine using this number would detonate and blow up whoever owns it.
This telemarketer garbage is pure evil. The people behind it should be arrested or subjected to vigilante justice.
The government and the crappy Verizon weasels need to track these vermin down and stomp them out. It's harassment, it's scams, it's thievery, and it's not to be tolerated.
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electric bill spam calling even though I am no the do not call list.
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I just got a call from this number, I NEVER pick up numbers I don't know.  Ever.  Only way to avoid this BS.  They have got to find a way to stop these calls.
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unsolicited call
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(347) 502-2551  +1 347-502-2551  3475022551  +13475022551