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reports against 5715265751
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Who called from 5715265751

Telephone terrorists is what they really are, calling several times a day for weeks now. There is no Id on the number, so they don't even have have the slightest professional decency to identify who they are on Caller Id. Since everyone is either ignoring such calls these days and/or blocking them, they are obviously not going to be effective at all in convincing people to renew subscriptions. A pox on them. I love my call blocker, as we have been swamped for months with political related calls, in addition to all of the other bandits.
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Caller is from Federal Computing Week, updating user profile.
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call every day - at least twice a day, sometimes three times a day - ask for my supervisor (not even using his correct name) and then when he isn't available say they will call back; they don't even identify who they are; also they do not leave voice mails when I'm not able to answer the phone - sometimes 5:30; 6:30 (we are a business that closes at 4:30).
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This is a call from Federal Computer Week to renew my 'free' subscription. They have called almost everyday for a few weeks now. They never have left a message and, except for this time, when we answer the ring, there is no one there.
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These people are harassing me because I won't answer their phone calls any more. I am reporting them to someone.
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(571) 526-5751  +1 571-526-5751  5715265751  +15715265751