We have got
report against 9713732973
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer

Who called from 9713732973

This telephone number belongs to Pacific Telecom Communications Group.  They are a public utility who's primary business involves facilitating illegal telemarketing calls.

For more information about the people behind this unsolicited call, go here:  http://telemarketerspam.wordpress.com

If you want to stop these unsolicited telemarketing calls, PLEASE send a complaint to Oregon State regulators about these illegal calls from Pacific Telecom's phone numbers:

Oregon Public Utilities Commission Online Complaints:  http://apps.puc.state.or.us/consumer/complaint.asp

Oregon Attorney General’s Office Online Complaints:  https://www.doj.state.or.us/consumer/complaint.shtml

Oregon Governor’s Office Online Complaints:  
Latest comments
(971) 373-2973  +1 971-373-2973  9713732973  +19713732973