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Who called from 2038643214

Reynaldo Nunez
I added my phone to the "No Call" list.  I don't understand why I'm still getting unwanted calls
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They're scammers!
Called but said nothing. Blocked!
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Robocall [***]
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Its another scam call from the criminals.  These parasites are after your money because they are too lazy to work, too dumb to be employed and registered democrats (AKA illegal aliens) who want to live off the hard work of others by supporting left-wing anti-American politicians like Obama, Cliton, Reid and Pelosi, "The Telescam Politicians".

What many are doing to stop these pig-vomit maggots from calling is to forward their calls to Senators and Congressman's offices in DC. Members of congress should be the first to take these unwanted calls, not us; because members of congress work for us and they should handle this annoyance. If everyone in the USA forwarded all unwanted telescam calls to Senators and Congressmen's offices in DC, they would get our message about telescam calls.

You can use 202-456-1414 for forwarding the worst telescam offenders because that switchboard (White House) can transfer the calls to the right recipients in congress. These slugs claiming to work for Sadya Nadella of Microsoft at 867-000-1312; and we all know Bridgett from Card Member Services at 7044579278 and a few dozen other numbers.

Also know that many of these telescammers are actually terrorists who steal your credit data to fund acts of terrorism against the USA. All of the morons at AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and other phone companies are too stupid to detect, intercept and stop these telescam calls - - that's a fact because you'll see they're like politicians and never held real jobs. The elected politicians are totally inept to do the simplest of anything - - - but We The People can fix this one. If your phone system has a call forwarding feature, forward telescam calls to both of your Senators and your Congressman in Washington, DC today.  And vote for Scott Walker and Ben Carson in 2016 so they can shut these scammers down once and for all - - they will - - the dumocrats are all lies!

By the way, can you name just ONE accomplishment that a dumocrat has made in the past 6 years? Barack Hussain Obama? Hiliary Cliton? Okay, so BHO did help ISIS execute several thousand Christians and Hiliary Cliton did help radical terrorists kill 4 Americans.  But what did they do for Amreicans?  Can you name ONE thing?  If you do nothing about these scam calls, you're going to keep on getting them. Instead, vote OUT ALL INCUMBENTS in the next election and vote for REPUBLICAN candidates (not the career politicians!) who promise to fix this and other problems that the limo liberal nutcases have caused in OUR Exceptional USA!

PS, In case you haven't figured it out, if Hiliary is elected in 2016, she'll become the second president in recent history without balls.  And no, I didn't spell Hi-Liar-y wrong; she is the Liar in Chief who has never uttered a single word of truth in her entire life. Only democrats could be stupid enough to vote for a pathological liar and entitled elitist like Hiliary. If you are a registered democrat, you must be very proud of your utter ignorance of truth and anti-American beliefs for you are the scum who has destroyed this nation's vitality, freedoms and prosperity
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Offensive language and gratuitous political comment.  Reported for removal of post for violation of terms of service.

If you want your own soapbox to talk politics, go buy your own.  This one isn't yours, and someone else is paying their own good money for it.

And if your screed has something to do with Microsoft scammers (believe me, it's hard to tell), go report it to Microsoft.  They have both the money and the political influence to pursue trademark violations against these scammers.
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(203) 864-3214  +1 203-864-3214  2038643214  +12038643214