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reports against 8324606774
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Who called from 8324606774

upset scammie
Received a call from Chris Morgan, Lead Investigator, Texas Dept. of Fraud. call back # 469-998-1500 regarding a Payday loan (Eastside Lending) my wife had made years ago. They also called my ex-wife of 17 years. I contacted the Ohio & Texas Atty General's Offices. Texas indicated this wasn't even a Texas Department. The thing is, I was contacted in March about the same loan from someone else. At the time I paid $900 to settle the debt to A.J. Pierce & Assoc. in NY.  At that time they indicated a subpoena was being sent. I notified them this was the first contact we received. This new call states the $900 credit to the account but the Collection Agency wasn't authorized to settle for that little. Therefore filing with the County Courts for a subpoena. Don't the courts notify via US Mail and or Certified Mail?  More calls to the Atty General's Office tomorrow.
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Well this is the perfect example of why you never pay someone who calls you up on the phone and claims you owe money.  You make them prove that you owe the debt and that they are legally able to collect on it.  Now you have paid extortionists their first payment and they are now looking for more.  Even worse they will sell your name as an easy mark.

This is a common ploy by criminals masquerading as debt collectors who are attempting to extort money from people by scaring you into believing that you will be criminally charged, go to jail, lose your driver’s license, have wages garnished, be sued, and a variety of other variations on this,  all for an alleged or nonexistent debt.  One of the tricks they use is to call your work place, friends, or relatives repeatedly in an attempt to shame you into paying.  They also use the “process server” ruse who calls and claims he is going to serve you, but then says you could avoid it by calling another number

Federal law (FDCPA) requires them to send you a letter (US MAIL ONLY) postmarked within 5 days of their first contact that contains their name, physical address, the creditor’s name, and the amount of the alleged debt.  It also must contains “mini-Miranda” telling you that it is an attempt to collect a debt and that all information will be used for those purposes.  The one other important thing that this letter must also have in it is that you have a right to dispute the debt within 30 days of receipt of the letter and if you do so, all collection activity must be stopped until the debt is verified.

Read up on your rights here, get template letters to send and also make a complaint at this government site: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/

Also file a complaint with your State Attorney General's office.
List of State AG’s offices:  http://consumerfraudreporting.org/stateattorneygenerallist.php
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Pissed Off
My brother relieved calls from this [***] as well. "Detective"Chris told him that if he did not make arrangements to pay off the debts that he would be arrested. He has even texted him wanting to meet him socially and sent pics. This guy needs to be stopped!!!
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I received a unlisted call from A Chanel Mitchell who said she was with Harris County calling regarding a warrant case #46183 TX-27 to contact a Det Chris Morgan at 469 453 6398 and 972 439 5852 from Fraud Div.regarding this warrant.

A DET. Chris Morgan supposed from Harris County Fraud Div.
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(832) 460-6774  +1 832-460-6774  8324606774  +18324606774