We have got
reports against 2024491488
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer

Who called from 2024491488

WHat happened to the Do Not Call registry and why do these people keep calling about lowering interest on credit cards saying this is the LAST call you receive...as a "warning" I WISH that was the case. How do you make them stop??? It is SO ANNOYING. WHen you ask to be removed, the HANG UP ON YOU!!!!!
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Same thing just happened to me i get calls like these all the time why can't it just stop
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Received call for annual credit card review. Sounds like a debt collector using less than professional or legal means of contact. Harassment and exploitation of the elderly and uninformed is their dual purpose.
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(202) 449-1488  +1 202-449-1488  2024491488  +12024491488