We have got
reports against 2032457984
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2032457984

What possible thought process suggested that we called you,  your caller reads your posts here, or your post will effectively stop calls to you?
(Reply to this post to help us understand - we REALLY want to know! - or ignore it, and confirm your lack of comprehension)

800notes.com did not call you, cannot block calls for you, cannot put you on or take you off a "list" and cannot report calls for you.


Also See
for answers to similar statements, problems or questions,
including suggestions how to stop or reduce unwanted calls!

Remember to return here, to 800notes.com, after visiting that site.
Latest comments
called, answered, asked for my husband, told unavailable and could I say who called, said no and hung up on me!!
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(203) 245-7984  +1 203-245-7984  2032457984  +12032457984