We have got
reports against 2132895524
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2132895524

Jeff Marsh
Caller keeps calling and does not leave message.
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I just filed a complaint on donotcall.gov.  Weeks ago I asked this FOP to STOP CALLING ME.  I have moved out of state but took my 818 number with me.  Told them that as well as told them to STOP IT.  Yet they called me again tonight.  I've never "donated" to their org as I believe it might not be a legit org.
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Someone from this number called me on 2/18/10 at 8:54pm. They did not leave a message. I have since blocked their number.
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This phone number is calling to do fund raising for the Los Angeles County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1. I have called the number.  It directs you to a customer service department that can answer questions, help you donate, or anything else related to the FOP. Also, there’s information on www.cafop.org . Plus, you can contact them there with any questions or requests.
The FOP is doing a lot of really great things for LA County police officers and the people that call are trying to help them raise money so they can do even more good.
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Doubting Thomas
They need to stop calling people after 8:00.    IF they're legitimate.
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(213) 289-5524  +1 213-289-5524  2132895524  +12132895524