We have got
reports against 2141553223
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2141553223

Didn't answer, but they left partial VM asking for me by name- Started VM with *Mr _______*, (ugh) till they recognized it was VoiceMail and they hung up.

I called # back and it is not in service. Suspect it was HVAC Service/Tuneups - Probably Reliant again...they use tons of fake numbers.

CID just says TEXAS.
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Called twice today ID "Name Not Found", the first call at 6:30am.
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Get calls from several of these faked numbers about once a day with "Name Not Found" for caller ID, on my unlisted number.  This is the first from this number.  As there is no such exchange as 214 155, AT&T call blocker will not stop them.  AT&T is in collusion with with these criminals, as call blocker should reject invalid numbers.  I do not answer a call from a number that I know to be spoofed.  I just flash the switch on the phone to hang up.   Why bother to talk to a caller that you already know to be a liar?
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Didn't answer, but they left partial VM asking for me by name- Started VM with *Mr _______*, (ugh) till they recognized it was VoiceMail and they hung up.

I called # back and it is not in service. Suspect it was HVAC Service/Tuneups - Probably Reliant again...they use tons of fake numbers.

CID just says TEXAS.
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Called twice today ID "Name Not Found", the first call at 6:30am.
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(214) 155-3223  +1 214-155-3223  2141553223  +12141553223