We have got
reports against 2142061614
The majority indicated that it is a Debt collector

Who called from 2142061614

A real [***] by the name of David Goldstein bullying my elderly parents trying to collect an old debt of mine. Couldn't get a phone # from him (I was told I know it) couldn't get an acct # or company name. Glad I was in town and answered the phone so I could dish it back. I don't have any old ACCTS and a few med bills that went a little late but all is paid in full and has been.
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Debra called leaving a voicemail saying there is a civil case against me.  If I call her we could avoid civil court.
Now who calls you before you are going to be served papers to appear in court?? Scam
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(214) 206-1614  +1 214-206-1614  2142061614  +12142061614