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reports against 2143290138
The majority indicated that it is a Debt collector

Who called from 2143290138

My mother received a phone call this morning claiming they had 2 warrants on me for check fraud. I have never had checks to write for a check fraud. She gave me the number and I looked it up and there was not a listing for the number it just came back as a VoIP and I dug a little further and found that it was in Dallas tx.
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I also recd a call from this number the ladyon yesterday at 10:00am said her name was Tracy Buckman and she also told me I had worthless checks and a warrant would go out in 24hrs if I didnt take care of the matter I ask with whom did i have bad checks with she said cashnet usa .. I havent had checks for over 10 years but i reported it to the FBI and FTC.. I hope they find out who is trying to scam people out there money.
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I recieved a call today from this number and I was told I was being sued from My Cash Now for an unpaid pay day loan. I did take put a payday loan from a different company 3 years ago but I paid it and have documentation that says such. I asked her for documentation and she claimed that she would email me but has not. They claim to be from Kernbrown stone, I really feel like this is a scam and they are using scare tactics to get money from vunerable people. I am the type of person who isnt willing to pay for something just because you said so.
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Woman named tracy buckman called and said I was going to be arrested for bad hecks if I did not pay them  $750.00 or a very substantial amount.  She also said that my case would be transferred to my local district attorneys office because someone from cashnet had run a payment thru my account three times with insufficient funds, thus making it bad check charges.  If you dont write a check, how can you be charged with bad checks?  This was supposedly kern brownstone out of dallas texas but I cant find any information on them. I called the dallas police dept and they said it sounded like a scam. This woman also said she had sent letters but none was received and she wouldnt give any information, just threats of legal action on something she hasnt proved that was owed. If this is owed it was from several years ago. What should I do?
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Do not give them a dime! They have to prove to you in writing via snail mail that a legal debt is owed! Not by phone, fax or email. And definitely do not give them any info! This is more then likely a scam (extortion scam)

If you had bad checks, the bank would have notified you at the time btw..  you would have gotten notices in the mail. And the business or person you wrote it to would have also contacted you to pick it up. As a general rule, if you wrote a check for something, its only good for 6 month's, then the onus is on the payee to have it replaced and contact you.  Do check with your bank and make sure, and check your credit reports.

Please do file reports with the FBI, your state attorney general and Department Of Justice,FTC & FCC..


Also read up on the laws and your rights:

http://www.consumerfinance.gov/askcfpb/search ...

And see:

http://800notes.com/forum/ta-86217073a9c8dad/ ... 077595690349410
Section 809 of the FDCPA http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre27.pdf requires 3rd-party debt collectors to give debtors written notice of debt (the key word is *shall*) :
"§ 809. Validation of debts
(a) Within five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt, a debt collector shall, unless the following information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the debt, send the consumer a written notice containing—
(1) the amount of the debt;
(2) the name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed;
(3) a statement that unless the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, disputes the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, the debt will be assumed to be valid by the debt collector;
(4) a statement that if the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, the debt collector will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment against the consumer and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to the consumer by the debt collector; and
(5) a statement that, upon the consumer’s written request within the thirty-day period, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor."
A Collection Agent May Not…

Here are the top 11 actions prohibited by the The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act:

Misrepresent Him or Herself

A debt collector may not misrepresent himself as an attorney or law enforcement officer.

Use the Telephone to Annoy or Harass

A collection agent may not cause a telephone to ring or engage any person in telephone conversation repeatedly or continuously with an intent to annoy, abuse, or harass anyone at the called number.

Threaten Arrest or Lawsuit

A collection agent may not threaten a consumer with arrest. It may not threaten legal action that is either not permitted or not actually contemplated. In other words, a the threat of a lawsuit may be an empty one.

Use Abusive or Threatening Language

A debt collector may no use abusive or profane language in the course of communication related to the debt.

Publish a Bad Debt List

Publishing the consumer’s name or address on a "bad debt" list is prohibited.

Contact By Embarrassing Media

A debt collector may not communicate with a consumer by post card. It may not use any language or symbol, other than the debt collector’s address, on any envelope when communicating with a consumer by use of the mails or by telegram. A debt collector may use its business name if such name does not indicate it is in the debt collection business.

Contact a Consumer at Work

A collection agent may not communicate with consumers at their place of employment after being told this is unacceptable or prohibited by the employer.

Seek Unjustifiable Amounts

A debt collector may not demand any amounts not permitted under an applicable contract or as provided under law.

Contact a Consumer Represented by an Attorney

A collection agent may not contact a consumer after it learns the consumer is represented by a lawyer.

Communicate With a Consumer After Receiving a Validation Request

If a consumer sends a written §1692g response within 30 days, the collection agent may not communicate with the consumer until it mails the consumer the requested verification of original creditor's name and address.

Communicate With Third Parties

A debt collector may not reveal or discuss the nature of a consumer’s debts with third parties other than the consumer’s spouse or attorney. A collection agent may contact neighbors or co-workers only to obtain location information. It may contact a third party again if it has reason to believe the information the party provided previously is false.

Bills.com FDCPA FAQ

Below are questions Bills.com readers ask frequently:

Can a Collection Agent Call My Cell Phone?

Yes. However, if you tell the debt collector it may not use that number because it is a cell phone, it may not contact you again at that number.

I Keep Receiving Dozens of Calls From Collection Agents. Is That Legal?

No. Unscrupulous collection agents will use "block parties" or "office parties" where they contact a consumer, multiple neighbors, or co-workers telling them they need to reach the consumer on an urgent matter. This is not permitted under the FDCPA.

A Collector Says I Will Be Arrested if I Do Not Pay

This was a true statement before the US Civil War, but has not been true since. People may be arrested if an aggressive judge files a bench warrant for a person who does not appear at a hearing relating to a lawsuit regarding a debt. However, in that case, the offense is the failure to respond to a court order, and not the existence of the debt. As stated above, it is illegal under the FDCPA to threaten a consumer with arrest if the consumer does not pay the debt.
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(214) 329-0138  +1 214-329-0138  2143290138  +12143290138