We have got
reports against 2144443791
The majority indicated that it is a Non-profit Organization

Who called from 2144443791

Caller ID displayed as "Unknown name", following by an unrecognizable number. I let it go to my answering machine. They didn't leave a message. I dialed back the number and encountered a greeting that said, "Thanks for calling back. It's John calling for the American Police and Sheriffs Association. How are you?"

I then hung up. A quick google search brought up their website and in addition, they are documented by the Tampa Bay Times as part of the 'America's Worst Charities' list. They also go by the name DISABLED POLICE AND SHERIFFS FOUNDATION.

http://www.tampabay.com/americas-worst-charit ... -foundation-inc
Non-profit Organization
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Didn't answer when they called and blocked the number after reading an article about them from the Tampa Bay newspaper.  Years ago, two brothers from Ft. Worth asked my website partner to build seven websites for them for soliciting donations for everything from police to fire to even ambulance drivers.  I was the designer and told my partner that I wouldn't do it because they were scammers and were dangling the "more business for you" carrot.  I told him to ask for all the money up front & when he did, they suddenly moved to Florida and said they'd find a website builder there.  Our police told us that all these were scams and the legitimate police charities don't solicit that way.
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(214) 444-3791  +1 214-444-3791  2144443791  +12144443791