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report against 3013501023
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 3013501023

We have also received calls from this number,  for which we totally ignore.   We never contacted anyone to assist us with anything or make  a purchase, nor were we waiting for a return call. I don't think that the scammers realize that when they dial you at random.

First of all the calls are coming to our dedicated fax machine, which has been a fax machine number for over 10 years. Secondly, our Philosophy is that when a number call in that we do not recognize, if we have not had any dealings with anyone at that number, we ignore and we block that number. Verizon Fios, now allows one to block 100 calls, additionally, you can set your call information to automatically block "anonymous" and "private" without impacting your 100 call blocks.

Finally, if one knows that you have not entered into any sweepstakes, contests, or business dealings, relatives, family members, co-workers, banking, credit card companies, the rule of thumb is not to answer or communicate. When one communicates or answers that phone, that confirms that you phone number is a valid phone number to them and the calls will continually come. If you let it go to your answering system, that eliminates your directly picking up the phone. In the event of the answering system, when you have a generic message on it rather than a personalized one with your name, that protects you from the scammer confirming that they have the person they want to scam. Never tell them to stop calling as they will only pass your number on to their cohorts so that they can begin a new scam.

When it comes to email scams as well, don't select the option of do not email me again, as this too allows the scammers to pass your email address on to their cohorts as well, and with your email address circulating in the universe, the email scams and annoyance will be never-ending.

For God's sake don't take the chance of communicating with any of these scammers  as my 70 year old sister did, with the end result of the person telling her to meet him and bring the money in small bills so that he could wire her an even larger amount. She played along with the person and even told them that she was driving to the address that he told her to bring the money to. When she told me, I entered the address in a search engine only to discover that it was an abandoned building, and told my sister so. When she exposed this person (with a Jamaican accent), he cursed her out, threatened her and told her that he knew where she lived etc. (surprisingly, he did). There are people who go dumpster diving and my philosophy is to shred (micro shred everything). When you throw away your phone bills, your number and name are on it, when you throw away old pay stubs and tax forms, your name social security number, date of birth, address, income status and workplace information are on the forms.Even the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes and other types of mailings that have your name blaring from its pages, are fodder for the thieves. I have often told my sister to shred shred, shred.  Now I think that she is learning, but when you discard your old bank statements, your account number is on it, even the receipts that you get from the ATM are not immune.

Vigilance and being overly cautious will eventually put a dent in the scammers armor.
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