We have got
reports against 3072151002
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 3072151002

Getting calls from this number (307-215-1002) at all hours of the day and night. If I answer, they hang up. If I don't answer, they don't leave a message, just 3 minutes of silence OR 3 minutes of beeps and click.

If this is some type of Solicitation call, they are violating the Federal DNC List by calling me, but even more so by calling me between 1:30 AM and 5:30 AM!

Will be doing more research to find out who actually owns this number and how to have them stopped.

(307) 215-1002 is a LANDLINE number  
Type: Unlisted Number  
Phone Company: AT&T LOCAL  
Location: Casper, WY  
Local Calling Area: Wyoming
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We have been getting calls everyday from this number.  They leave no message.  We live in BC.
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We're in BC getting this number call us 3 times a day for the past 3 days - WTF?
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mary Miller
Got a call from 307-215-1002 today, and the person said nothing then hung up.
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3 mornings in a row I have been getting calls before. No one on the line and no messages.
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(307) 215-1002  +1 307-215-1002  3072151002  +13072151002