We have got
reports against 3122412023
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 3122412023

I received a fraudulent TEXT MESSAGE from this number a few days ago.   claiming i'd won $1000 from Target and giving me instructions where to go online.   suspected a Phisher so i called Target fraud dept. yep,  this is a phisher. reported the number there.

next i called my cel phone provider and reported them and blocked further calls (remember anyone who calls you on your cel YOU ALSO GET CHARGED for air time!)  so get proactive,  report them,   also your cell company has a security support for illegal calls, get that number and  let them know as they can take further action.l
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illegal phishing,  they leave text messages claiming you've won a prize w. instructions on how to claim it. they do this in text messages.  you can report them, you can block the number,  you can have your cell phone provider's security services pursue them.  and you can tell others here.

i received 3 text messages,  the other two were clearly phony numbers .... also reported to my cel server.

DO NOT CALL THEM back,  they are often overseas and you'll get charges.
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(312) 241-2023  +1 312-241-2023  3122412023  +13122412023