We have got
reports against 5142055614
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer

Who called from 5142055614

I am in california and got a call from that number two and twice! finally got a message from RBC bank! gave me a 800 number to call back but I am in the UK for the summer so didn't check what it was all about.
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RBC visa collector
Rude and annoying collectors! I am un the UK on vacation an a something went though a little over the limit and called twice in a week saying I have to deposit money right now asap. ah, ah, ah, I wont bother my vacation to deal with these greedy idiots. If I was over the limit they shouldn't pass the item through! With the exchange of the BP being much higher and the high fees they charge to convert my visa was a little over the limit. I was told by a rude girl (didn't sound older than 18) that they will call constantly until I get the difference paid. They can go ahead, no ones at my house and just pick my messages periodically!
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(514) 205-5614  +1 514-205-5614  5142055614  +15142055614