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reports against 6462189737
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Who called from 6462189737

Calls our business constantly and they are always rude.  Even if they did have something worth buying or investing in, I wouldn't just because they are [***].
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LOL... Alec... get another job buddy! Ahahahahahahaha. Or comeback with some damn manners because if you're going to talk to me the way you just did, you ain't getting NOWHERE dude!

Me: Good afternoon, thank you for calling _______, how may I help you?
Alec: Put me through to Gary
Me: may I ask who's calling?
Alec: Alec from New York
Me: Well hi 'Alec from New York', what's the call regarding
Alec: 4K group
Me: what's the call regarding other than 4K group
Alec: It's for business
Me: hold on  **here I fake try and get ahold of my CEO because really I'm just sitting here on my blocked call list and looking up 800Notes, oh yes these jokers have called before and are rude as hell**  Alec, my CEO isn't aware of the nature of your call
Alec: you told him it was for 4K Capital Group?
Me: no I told him 4K group
Alec: is he available to talk
Me: no because I don't know why you're calling
Alec: I'll just shoot him an email
Me: yes, why don't you do that

Because I know you're full of BS
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This guy is so rude! Just like the above call (weird same name) he calls and demands to speak to my CEO and then he kept telling me to hold on when I asked which guy (because there are a couple guys that work here with the same name! like 5 of them, when your CEO is 60 something there wasn't a whole ton of variety of those names in his day), he finally sputtered out a last name and I was going to transfer him and then he rudely demanded his cell number, I told him no because that's against company policy. He was SO RUDE that I told him to never call my company again and to take our number out of their database. "It's for business, trying to introduce ourselves!" WELL NOT HERE BUDDY, WE DON'T DEAL WITH SLIMEY NY FINANCIAL WEASELS!!!!  Ya'll think you're some kind of Jordan Belfort, just because we're from the Midwest we must be such suckers compared to your NY fast whit huh?  You seriously underestimate us "lowly" farmland states, we've got more brains and b*lls than you!
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This guy kept pushing for the CEO's cell phone number and wouldn't leave a message.
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These people repeatedly called my direct-dial work number, and I never picked up, so they called the receptionist and asked to be put through to me. The only identifying information that the caller gave to our receptionist was his first name -- always a good sign of someone trustworthy. He gave me his spiel and then asked how much market exposure I have. Give me one good reason to give any such information to a cold caller.
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(646) 218-9737  +1 646-218-9737  6462189737  +16462189737