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reports against 6617744329
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 6617744329

Called this number back and a recording said that if you want to be removed from this list, touch #1.  I waited for other options, but none came, so after the message repeated several times, I pressed 1, then it said to allow up to 72 hrs to have my number removed from their preferred marketing list, and hung up on me.  I was calling from my work #, so I was unable to ask to have my home # removed from their list.
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Vivian Rosette
I get this call from 661-774-4329.Saying I want this number remove.I do not know who ever this company is.Did not return the call and will not.So sick of this.
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Just Stop It
I received a recorded message asking me if I have knee or back pain.  It went on to say, press one to speak with an again press 2 to be removed from this list.

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(661) 774-4329  +1 661-774-4329  6617744329  +16617744329