We have got
reports against 7813048086
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 7813048086

They can't be found and taken to court because they falsify their Caller ID information and use internet phone connections to make their calls. This means it takes high technology, extensive effort, and cooperation between many law enforcement jurisdictions (often including foreign countries) to trace them. The FBI and Interpol have enough on their hands with human trafficking, terrorism and drug cartels. Annoying phone calls to you and me rightly fall quite low on their list of priorities.
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same as above
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Received a call from that number on 17 March before 3 pm. No message was left.
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I've tried to find a call blocker for a land line phone which will work with DSL, verizon Voice Mail system a fax machine, and with 2 distinct rings (3 tele number) There is no technology that will accommodate my system but caller ID works just fine.  Don't know the caller ? Don't answer the phone. Also, before you spend $200 on a sophisticated call blocking machine, remember kiddies, real scam and spammers switch out numbers. you may get the same individual or company calling from 40 different phone numbers. None of them take calls and rarely is there  a human beings on the other end. Yes I'm 300000 years old use one of these confounded telephone dialing machines - which works so well I can actually communicate with someone (aka hear and understand what the other person is saying) - unlike every cell phone in the world which also gives you brain cancer w/extensive use. I live close to Wellesley Hills so the caller could have been a prospective customer. But, alas,  I never answer the phone and if the caller does not leave a clear concise message including contact information I guarantee this- I will not return the non-call.
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Received call, didn't pick up, no message was left. Phone number blocked now.
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(781) 304-8086  +1 781-304-8086  7813048086  +17813048086