We have got
reports against 8505492279
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 8505492279

Kelsey N
This number has called close to 10 times in the last 3 hours. I have not answered, most calls have been hang ups, but they've left three weird messages.
Message one was from a man named Karen with a thick foreign accent saying this call was about a loan application for $3000 (I have not applied for any loans).
Second message was just 30 secs of background noise, lots of chatter.
Third call was a woman saying "hi..." Then hanging up.
I have no idea what this is but I've blocked the number and they still keep calling (it still goes through my YouMail account).
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This number has called me 6 times already and it has bot stopped. They were talking about me taking out a loan and wanting to pay it. This number is a scam.
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This number has called me eight times starting at 10:36 AM...the last call was at 12:51 PM and I'm "eagerly" awaiting the next call.  I haven't answered, because I don't recognize the number....
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They calles my cousin  wanting him to send 250$ & said they would loan him 5000$ if he did
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They called me and said I was approved and wanted me to pay a 250$deposit that they said I'd get back what's up with this
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(850) 549-2279  +1 850-549-2279  8505492279  +18505492279