We have got
reports against 6506187714
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 6506187714

Number is being used as the call back number for a theft ring.  This number will appear on your bank statement with various company names associated with it such as "It was fun" and "Facebook" but the number always rings busy when trying to contact them to dispute charges.
This number is owned by Level 3 Communications and is a Landline in Palo Alto, CA.  Level 3 Communications refuses to acknowledge the fraud or shut the phone number down nor will they provide law enforcement any cooperation in tracking down the fraud.  This makes them accomplices to the theft.
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between 2/10/15 and 2/16/15 $2467.00 ( 14 different charges) was charged to my credit card all under "Facebook".  the card has since been cancelled . when i called the number above it is "no longer in service"
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Debbie S
level 3 comminucations at 650-618-7714 accessed my bank account and stole $1600.00 on 2/17/15 beware.I also was forced to close my account,Any help would be appreciated in shutting them down !!!!!
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You should go to the local police department and a make a written complaint.  Contact the bank and find out the name and location of the company that did this.  Include it in your police report.
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This number is used and charged our bank account multiple times. Under Facebook with this number under it. We contacted our bank.
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(650) 618-7714  +1 650-618-7714  6506187714  +16506187714