We have got
reports against 2134080236
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2134080236

3 calls from this number.  I didn't answer because I didn't recognize the number.  WTF?
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Got called today, twice by this number, no message just ringed a few times. I will answer it next time. I hardly give out my new cel.
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Pat Sullivan
I have a calling card.  As a test, I called my own cell phone and 213-408-0236 was displayed as the caller ID.  The calling card is a virtual card named "One Suite".  It's the best calling card that I know of. It has super low rate, no monthly fee, lots of feature and you sign up online at "onesuite.com".

So if you see and incoming call with this ID, it could be me and anyone else that uses One Suite

I hope this allays your fears of answering a call with this ID.
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Umm so Someone From This number Called My Cell Phone, And I answered Cause I THought It Might Have Been a Wrong Number, And When I answered, I Could Barely Make The Person Out, Like I Could Barely Hear Them. Was It Dangerous That I Answered The Call?
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Have been ignoring calls from this number. Finally answered and it turned out to be my family calling. They were using One-suite, which is a discount long distance phone service.
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(213) 408-0236  +1 213-408-0236  2134080236  +12134080236