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reports against 3234844046
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 3234844046

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How do I teach a lesson to these idiots?
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Just got a call from a guy(no name provided) claiming that they were hired by LLS @ 323-484-4046 to deliver legal documents to me which they were not successful at so I "HAVE" to call them with this case number he provided to resolve the matter. They can rot in hell!
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One more thing..he even called my sisters number to leave the message for me.
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They called my sister and dad. Then I contact them and he gives me very little info and says that he was hired to sue me. It is from a credit card 10 years ago and I owe a certain amount. With the amount they told me there should be something on my credit and there isn't anything. I feel like they use intimidation and big words to scare little ol us. Screw them and they are not getting any of my money. SSSSSSSCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I got a message that someone from this number called for me today at my job.  They said that they were from Berg & Associates and even left a reference number.  I'm a school teacher, how they got my work number I do not know.  Glad to see that others have had encounters with them and I now know that this is a scam.  Thanks.
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(323) 484-4046  +1 323-484-4046  3234844046  +13234844046