We have got
reports against 4044623035
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer

Who called from 4044623035

They called 3 or 4 times till now, but I usually don't answer except if I know the number. They never left a message in the voicemail. I thought I'd search it online first and I found ur site. thank you.
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Number calls often, do not know how they got my cell number, I NEVER give it out except to family or very good friends, never when I purchase anything or any business purpose at all, they call my mothers number as well, she is 80 and wouldnt even know how to turn a computer on, her monthly usage is so low I changed her to a pay as you go, she has NEVER purchased anything online, so I am wondering, was a Verizon employee selling numbers??? I have to say, especially when it came to my Mothers number, I know something is up and Verizon never notified its customers.

Any way, I said to these people" I will always say NO to you, I will not purchase any medication, I will never change my mind, why do you continue to call?" I included that "you do not bother me I simply dont answer the phone, but I dont understand why you waste your valuable time on a person whom is not interested? I was very nice, no calls for quite a while, but they have now started again. Will just block number. Foolish people, wasting money.
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they have been calling me now over 10 years from different numbers,  you can say what ever you want to them it wont help,  they have computers that dial your number and your names shows up on the computer screen, its been a nightmare  they keep changing thier numbers i have now about 25 of then listed in my cell phone book and when they call i choose the ring tone to be the Grim Reaper  i never answer those call
and when they sneak a new number in , i just add it to them Grim Reaper
only way to fix this problems is to change your phone number.  Once gave then a new number for them to call me at , at it was my local police station  i just hope that scared the person who called it lol
Not ready to give in to these nuts and channge my phone number.. Im thinking of ordering what they are selling and having my address to be delivered to COD of course is the FBI headquarters.... or the DEA HQ
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These people call me constantly, trying to sell doctor "visits", prescriptions, and medication - all pain meds.  Person on the phone can hardly speak English, maybe he doesn't understand when I tell him to stop calling...

Just hang up.
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Fed Up
I could only understand my first name and the word "refill" when the guy was talking. I looked up the number and later and saw he was saying "Care 101." I thought it was K101, like a radio station. Then he said refill and I told him he was an [***] and hung up. These people are ruthless. I have friends who have ordered from such places. They insist on some special type of card and ask for some buying number or something, then somehow take the money and don't send anything. I say a fool is a fool, and you idiots are what's keeping these [***] calling all of us. STOP IT! Don't buy anything from these people, don't talk to them, report them if you can, block them if you can.
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(404) 462-3035  +1 404-462-3035  4044623035  +14044623035