We have got
reports against 4231236548
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer

Who called from 4231236548

name NOT found on caller ID, recorded message about some kind of alarm system. press 1 to order, (yea right) press 3 to opt out. Never press any number on your keypad unless you know for sure who you are dealing with, or your own information that you called and know the party YOUR DOING BUSINESS WITH. PRESSING A NUMBER THEY TELL YOU COULD TRANSFER YOU TO A LONG DISTANT TELEPHONE NUMBER THAT YOUR LIKELY GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR.  PLAY SAFE, HANG UP.
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John l.
calls no message. Scam of some kind, Name not found.
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(423) 123-6548  +1 423-123-6548  4231236548  +14231236548