We have got
reports against 4232440283
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 4232440283

I got a text from "[email protected]" saying my account was locked and I needed to call (423) 244-0283.  I immediately got online and checked my banking website and there are no such alerts on there.  This is obviously a scam attempting to get my credit info.  Everyone please be careful when giving out your info!
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account.com is a free, web based, email address. Anyone can get one. Scammers like to use them. Always be careful of sound-alike names, or real names ending in dot org, dot net. Any bank, credit union, trust company, etc. would be "name of bank" dot com.
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Just did a reverse lookup on the number. It says that it was from Cleveland, TN. My bank said that they are trying to scam a lot of people.
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(423) 244-0283  +1 423-244-0283  4232440283  +14232440283