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reports against 4232864554
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Who called from 4232864554

They are calling and saying they're microsoft. saying there an error report and that they want to help us get correct it. It's a scam their probably trying to hack into your computer.
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THIS IS A SCAM. Read about the your-PC-is-infected scam here http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cold-Call-Tech ... on-150170.shtml They lie about your PC sending out malware, error messages, etc., to frighten you into giving them remote control of your PC to fix the nonexistent problem (don't let them!), find fictitious errors, viruses, etc. on your PC that they now want $$$ to fix. If they ask you to open the systems tab in eventvwr.msc to see all the errors, these harmless errors are *normal* for any Windows PC (mine has several and it runs just fine). Don't let them take control of your PC because they can download *real* malware that can steal your info including online bank logins in addition to ripping off your $$$. THIS IS A SCAM.
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(423) 286-4554  +1 423-286-4554  4232864554  +14232864554