I have recvd a call from this number (786-419-4597). The area code 786 belongs to Miami, Florida (Dade County) and the company this number is register indicates "Level-3 Communications. On my display and reads as "Member Rewards". When I spoke, a Robo message says to press "1" to speak to the rep. The Robo Message is Illegal. If anyone is receiving this number then ask the name of the person, complete address and his cell number. Please report to F.C.C. and F.T.C. as well as F.B.I. so that these scammers should be arrested and live in prison. I also suggest all who receive this number to block it through NATIONAL DO NOT CALL REGISTRY through their website www.donotcall.gov (Federal Trade Commission) legal website protecting American consumers from such scammers/fraudsters.
Received my call today. These folks have called before and have just cycled through their numbers list. All these solicitors are well aware of actually useful sites like 800notes and others which help us, regular folks. What amazes me is that if any of us started doing the same thing, we'd get in hot water. Maybe we should all setup our own spoofing accounts, start a managed master listing of the slim and turn the robo callers lose on the them! Wonder how they'd like that. lol
The FCC is a joke. If they REALLY wanted to help the American people AND enforce the paper laws they'd force telco's to offer FREE unlimited blocking, make peoples phone numbers PRIVATE BY DEFAULT and you'd have to pay to be on a publicly advertised listing like other advertisers do. Just my two cents...
And so the systematic dumbing down of America successfully continues unabated... :(
phone rang, caller ID displayed as member services. did not answer, but did call them back from own masked private number to see who it was. Just dead air on the other end.