We have got
reports against 4158431151
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 4158431151

Pretty Mad
This is the 5th time someone from this number as called @745 in the morning but this time thye said they were from the internet working on my computer so when i called them back they sadi they were from the IRS what a scam !!!!! this really pisses me off
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I have been receiving calls from these stupid scamsters for a few days now. They are so sad and pathetic, it isn't even funny.
The IRS calls it a "sophisticated" scam. But believe me, there is nothing sophisticated about these idiots.
I can confirm they are Indian. I had an Indian buddy of mine hide his caller ID and call back, and demand money from THEM! The moron was first taken aback, then he said something like I'll put that money in your a$$. Then my Indian buddy let loose and called him some horrible names (featuring the scamsters' mothers and sisters). I didn't understand any of it but my buddy told me it was pretty heavy stuff.
Anyway, instead of having a dedicated link to file a complaint about this particular scam, the IRS and FTC send you on a wild goose chase. They don't make it easy to report these crooks. The best way to defeat the bad guys is awareness. Spread the word and if you feel like it - hide your caller ID, call them, and curse them out. It's not like THEY can complain about you. ;-)
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Did the same - had 10 friends call repeatedly and harass them.
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It seems that number isn't reachable anymore? At least not when you hide your called ID. My buddy has been trying, but he gets a "Number not in service" message.

You know what's ironical here? THEY don't want to be bothered by US!
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I got a call from 415 322 3467 the IRS'.
I SHOULD call this number and ask for nikey johnson. Every time it is busy. And can't get ahold of IRS where I can ask what this is about.
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(415) 843-1151  +1 415-843-1151  4158431151  +14158431151