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reports against 9014251477
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 9014251477

This number called me and told me that their is a warrant for my arrest. The women was extremely rude, called me a b**** and that i was going to jail. I do not have any criminal record or anything pending. I think this is a scam and this has to stop.
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She told me the same exact thing!! When i asked about the company account number etc, she hung up on me. When i called her back she called me a B and cursed me out. UGH! How frustrating.
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I agree with all of your statements about this scamster (Debt Collector) Practices I received a call from them and I don't have any bad debts! I have blocked them form calling me and leaving their threating comments on my answering machine!

For any of you that woudl like to eliminate this debt issue completely there are way to do so if in fact you get a subpoena and you get served by an individual from the court like a sheriff or a server processor for you to show up in court this is when this court case has been field and it becomes a complaint by the debtor this becomes substantiated complaint filed in court... These scare tactics are no more than poor business practices by some peddling Scam artist collection company called (Litigation Services) how quaint of them to disguise themselves as a litigation services company!
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So here are some web-links for you guys that have these DEBT RESOLUTION so they can get resolved ASAP!

1. First from Webmaivin:


Steps to guide a notary through the process of protesting the dishonor of your opponents.  Prerequisites:  your STATE’s NOTARY PUBLIC HANDBOOK, published by the Secretary of State.
Not to be construed as legal advice.

This process provides the missing link in the procedure we need to state a claim, whether the claim is to collect on a monetary debt or to exact some sort of performance, from our opponents.  For years, we have gone into courts, kicking and screaming, for a remedy against those who would take our hard-earned money, or attempt to compel us into performing an alleged duty.  The courts could not hear us, because we had no commercial energy to take any action, let alone ‘bring’ an action into their court.  Our commercial energy was given over to our opponent, when we drafted him, or re-drafted him.  He remained silent ninety-nine percent of the time, or came back with argument (which usually began with the statement, “We will not respond to your unfounded statements...” then was followed by two pages of case cites to show you where you were found wrong in other courts!), both of which are dishonor.  But we never realized HOW to get back the commercial energy the opponent retained by arguing or remaining silent.

Now, we have figured out that the missing step was to go to protest, i.e., to have a neutral third party object (protest) the other party’s keeping the ball, preventing us from scoring.  The judges must have loved it when we plunked down $350 for an appeal, or a writ, or a replevin action, or whatever we did trying to get remedy, because we were just throwing good money after bad.  Without the ability to proceed, we were wasting our time.  Now, however, we know that protest is evidence of the dishonor of the other party, which reverses the high/low, or honor/dishonor positions.  Think about it.  It’s what they’ve been doing to us, without calling it that, so as to not let the cat out of the bag.  Now we know why the prosecutor never shows up in a traffic case.  You were in dishonor 72-hours after getting the ‘ticket’, if you remained silent to the citation the traffic cop issued until the day you were told to show up.  The court took silent notice of your dishonor, let the witness who saw your violation tell the story, then ruled against you, no matter what you said because you had no power to say it after the dishonor.

Doesn’t the story of the Supreme Court ruling regarding the cop in Texas taking the woman to jail on a seat-belt violation, say it all?  The court ruled that, notwithstanding the Texas statute that prohibits cops from taking you to jail on an infraction, the cop did nothing wrong.  If you read the ruling with the understanding that the cop DID NOT take her to jail on the statute, or in violation of the statute, but on her dishonor - she argued with him at the scene, remember? - you can see that the honor/dishonor procedure is right on point!

Notice that going low first, making the opponent high, gives him the commercial energy to carry out your draft.  You may want him to pay you, or to cease and desist, or to produce proof of claim.  If you did your conditional acceptances and negative averments correctly, he is probably going to dishonor you, unless he decides to roll over and carry out your draft.  This way, you will have achieved the agreement of the parties before coming into the court, so the substance is not at issue any longer, and the court is reduced to a ministerial duty - based on the evidence before it, which is that the only claim on the table is the claim of the notary who tried to get acceptance on the draft, and certifies that the dishonor of the opponent was deliberate!  Remember, there are only four ways to respond to a draft: (1) accept and carry out - the IRS says “You owe $20 million”, so you pay it; (2) conditionally accept and re-draft, with the CA4V and the negative averment, which says “Sure, I’ll pay you, upon proof of claim!; (3) argue - who are you, what’s your authority, I don’t owe that much, or whatever; and (4) remain silent.

If they have been relying on us either arguing or remaining silent, and going to protest behind our backs, (which is probably what the ‘arraignment’ is, but if they told us, they’d let the cat out of the bag), then turning the tables is going to prove to be a lot of fun!  You simply protest their arguments or their silence, and there is no controversy regarding substance any longer.  And who says so?  You?  Nope.  The neutral third party, officer-of-the-court!  And his testimony is worth that of two other men.  So, now you’re before the court with your notary and his evidence.  The judge has an administrative, not judicial, issue.  This means it is strictly procedural, where NO DISCRETION IS ALLOWED.  Remember, a judge, when acting judicially has immunity.  And why is that?  Because he’s at risk when he has to decide between two ‘presumptions’ - yours and your opponents, and God help him if he chooses the ‘wrong’ one because neither of you ESTABLISHED the matter before you got there.  So, he wants protection and the legislature gave it to him.  You’d want it too, if you couldn’t tell which guy was lying.  But, if you go low to your opponent, giving him the opportunity to produce his claim and he doesn’t do it, where is the controversy?  Substance issue is over.  Down and out!  Now the judge gets to rule administratively, ministerially, where there is no immunity.  Do you think he wants to risk his career?  It matters not, because protest isn’t limited to substance and your opponent.

This ‘going low’ to become high also is important in procedure.  You go low to give the court the power (commercial energy) to help you make your claim.  So much for the argument “Don’t give them jurisdiction”. You may still be stuck in the fog about what jurisdiction really means.  From Ezekiel 44, God told the Israelites that He would give them the kind of judges/priests they deserved.  That meant that if the people followed the law, they would get the Sons of Zadok as judges.  If the people disobeyed the law, God would see to it they would get the profane priests, the Levite priests - a case of the profane getting the profane judges they deserved, and be treated with profanity!  If you remain honorable, that is, conditionally accept and re-draft, without arguing, without remaining silent, you have shown the court you are honorable, and the judge will put on the ‘hat’ of the Sons of Zadok priest.  This doesn’t mean that he will immediately roll over for you, because he must test you to make sure you are not an imposter.  And, he must test you three times, to make sure you actually know what you are doing, and are doing it deliberately, and didn’t just get ‘lucky’.  But, you will have convinced him you are a child of God, honorable, deserving of being treated with honor, instead of with profanity, as traitor, or 14th amendment ‘citizen’ must be treated.

You will also see the importance of going low to become high if you find a judge who does not understand the procedure, or, who just wants to make sure you know what to do next.  In the past, one of the remedies we sought when we knew we were right, was the petition for a Writ of Mandamus.  It was great, as far as it went.  However, without realizing the high/low, honor/dishonor procedure in play (they don’t call them State actors  for nothing!), we were denied, without comment.  Now we realize that asking the higher court to command the lower court to grant us a particular ‘remedy’ was to request the impossible.  How could the higher court command the lower court, who, by protest, was proven to be in dishonor, when a party in dishonor has no commercial energy to carry out any command?   If, on the other hand, however, we asked the higher court to grant the petition for a writ of mandamus, or in the alternative, a writ of prohibition, we’d get what we want, because the prohibition is the opposite side of the same coin!  EXAMPLE: If you ask the higher court to command the lower court to release your property, or in the alternative, to prohibit them from retaining your property, which part of the order aren’t you going to get?  Get it?

So, you can use the protest to protest substance, in dealing with your opponent, so that you win the case before you get into the court, and your only claim is “This neutral 3rd party has evidence that the opponent is in dishonor”, leaving the judge with his mouth shut. And, you can use the protest to insure that procedure is correct, by ruling on nothing but the evidence before the court.  This makes it a ministerial duty, since your opponent will not likely be able to show your notary ‘did it wrong’, and failing to perform a ministerial duty subjects the court to the petition for the writ of mandamus/prohibition.
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1.                  Take the responsibility of supplying the notary with all the envelopes, stamps, and Certificate of Mailing postage he or she will need to do ALL THREE STEPS, along with labels bearing the addresses of the recipients of your papers, so gather these first.  The labels will be used on the envelopes and the Certificates of Mailing (CoM), or Certificate of Service (COS) and the Notary is not your personal secretary.  You may address the envelopes and the CoM’ s yourself.
2.                  Make sure your draft* is in the file you will take to the Notary, along with a copy of it for each recipient, AND the proof of service, be it (a) Certificate of Mailing, (b) green RRR’s (Return Receipt Requested cards), or (c) a certificate of service signed by a friend attesting that he or she mailed the draft.   * = administrative judgment, re-draft Conditional Acceptance for value (CA4V), etc.

3.                  Have the Notice of Dishonor (NOD) AND the Notice of Protest ( NOP) BOTH prepared with all the blanks filled in except the information the notary puts on the paper.  NOTE: If you have already done a notice of dishonor, by a different name, have a copy of the NOTICE authorizing proceeding to the next step, included, then omit taking copies of the draft to the Notary, as the NOTICE will substitute for the copy of the document.

4.                  The Notary checks the evidence that shows the recipients whom you claim have dishonored your draft, have actually done so.  He or she must make sure that the draft and the Notice of Dishonor  and Protest Notice correspond as to the action the draft requests.  That is, if the draft requests performance, the performance must be indicated.  If the draft requests an outstanding sum of money due, payment must be demanded.  The Notice of Dishonor is the Notary, a public official, an officer of the court, demanding to see if the dishonor was intentional.  The main job of the Notary is to COLLECT EVIDENCE against the dishonoring party.  It is not the job of the Notary to find out if you are or are not a certain ‘kind of citizen’, a specific status, or any such thing.  They just need to know if your claim that your instrument has been dishonored is valid.
5.                  The Notary, satisfied that the Notice of Dishonor correlates with the intent of the draft, AND that you delivered the draft to the recipients, by whatever means you elected, then signs the Notice of Dishonor, and mails it with the CoM.  By sending it to the recipients, he is giving the recipients one last opportunity to SHOW it was not their intent to dishonor. [DISHONOR is any argument or silence to your delivery of the draft.]
6.                  The Notary makes note of the day he delivered it to the postal service, and, allowing for a day or two each way, marks the response due date on his calendar, or tickler file.
7.                  If no response is received from the recipients, such as carrying out of the draft (payment, cease and desist, correcting the record, or whatever was requested), on the due date, the Notary issues a Protest Notice.
8.                  He or she uses the same procedure as in Step One, sending the Protest Notice which corresponds to the draft, to each recipient, marking the date the response is due.

9.                  If no response is received from the recipients, which should be similar to requesting relief from default, the Notary moves to the final step.  The importance of all three steps is that the dishonored party can now show due process was given to the recipients, by a neutral third-party whose signature is the equivalent of TWO non-officer-of-the-court people, AND that the dishonoring parties INTENDED the dishonor. The final step is the CERTIFICATE OF PROTEST (COP).  The form ‘certifies’ that on such-and-such a day, the Notary presented the dishonored instrument and demanded payment/performance, and that he did protest, and hereby protests against the recipients, and adds in the costs and damages and interest now due (if applicable).  He must then certify that he deposited, postage-paid at the post office, giving the location, written notices of dishonor, signed by the notary, addressed to each recipient (giving their names and addresses), directed to the parties to be charged, and stating he believed the addresses were the known place of residence or employment.
10.    The notary only sends an ORIGINAL certificate of Protest, to you, the dishonored party. I have modified this to where the entity receives an original and an original goes in the Notary record book (single binder for each Notary Protest filed)
11. You now have the certificate of title, showing that title of your adversaries, rests elsewhere, i.e., with the notary, who is on-call to testify on your behalf to the dishonor of your adversary, whenever you need it.  Attaching copies of the ‘Certificate’ to affidavits in support of conditional acceptances in the procedure arena, cautions the judge that evidence exists in the PUBLIC record, that the other side is without commercial energy to proceed against you.  Their trick is to remain silent while the judge tests you to see if you know the power of what you’ve done, so you simply conditionally accept the court’s offer to proceed upon proof of claim the evidence in the public record DOESN’T show the purported ‘plaintiff’ lacks energy to go forward, upon proof of claim that the prosecutor’s silence isn’t an admission he knows his status as ‘debtor’ prohibits him from speaking at this time, and so forth.
12.              The dishonored party may now initiate an action against the dishonoring party(ies), by formally requesting payment in satisfaction of the debt, if any, or performance.  Add the costs of the notary and postage, etc., to monetary amount requests.
13.              The Certificate of dishonor and the dishonored draft are presented to the court where the defendant lives or conducts business, and should prevail in a summary judgment or petition for writ of execution (if the draft was a judgment), or as evidence of a judgment in filing a UCC-1 against the ‘debtor’, since the paperwork from the Notary is considered parol evidence, and is admissible as the highest form of third-party evidence, rarely contestable.  YOU WIN!  The dishonored instrument, without the notarial evidence, is insufficient, as evidence, making the protest a fundamental step in prevailing.

NOTE: Documents you may find in public handbooks or books written by attorneys, which claim to be notices of protest for financial institutions or marine protests, are not sufficient as is, for most people ‘outside’ the system.
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(901) 425-1477  +1 901-425-1477  9014251477  +19014251477