We have got
reports against 2028641255
The majority indicated that it is a Other

Who called from 2028641255

they called 3 times this am   one right after another  I just want them to go away
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They won't go away. They won't stop calling.  The calls originate in India.  They spoof 202 area code to make it look like they are calling form Washington DC.  Total scam.

Report them:  http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/IRS-Warns-of-Pervasive-Telephone-Scam

You might consider getting a call blocker.
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Got the same ridiculous call, I hope someone finds this guy and rapes him with a giant cactus.
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Just happened to me.  202-864-1255  Melvin Patrick is what he said his name was.  Very aggressive.  I kept him talking and asking questions.. very very aggressive and threatening.  He could really get money out of someone who doesn't know any better.  Kept saying I was being investiagate for the tax years between 2008-2012 for 4 allegations and that I was to appear at court.  He said the police will be at my door in 45 minutes and that he could stop that.   Said I owed $4973.00.  Yeah right!!!!  I said why are you threatening me he said he was not.. by the end of the call I had him so rileld up he said I am threatening you.  What an A-HOLE!!!!

I am reporting this.  Disgusting behavior!!!!
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Doreen Sanborn
Received the call from Melvin claiming tax evasion/tax fraud. Suspected it was bogus and thanks to this site am now certain.
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(202) 864-1255  +1 202-864-1255  2028641255  +12028641255